Advanced Learning Analytics

Advanced Learning Analytics allows receiving a monthly export of all the users' platform activities for a specific Group.

ATTENTION: this feature is available only for the Pro and Enterprise plans.

The Advanced Learning Analytics reports enable to:

  • check the daily presence of users on the platform; for each user and each day, the report shows the number of accesses by the user per day, the time of the first access, and whether the user is still a member of the Group

  • monitor the duration of the study session, which is detected through a series of 30 minutes checkpoints; the log file, therefore, includes the date and duration of the user's stay on the platform, approximated to half an hour

  • have a list of all the Live created by the Tutors of the Group, including the date and time of activation and deactivation of the video lesson.

  • monitor the check-in of each user in each Live. The report shows the date and time of each user’s login to the Live 

The monthly export features four .csv files per Group with all the data outlined above.
Click here to view a sample of the monthly Advanced Learning Analytics reports.

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