How to monitor old Analytics

The Old Analytics enable you to monitor instructors’ and learners’ participation in all educational activities. For example, you can check the hours spent on WeSchool, how much content has been published by a user, or the number of interactions that took place in a Group.
These data will help you evaluate WeSchool's impact on instructors and learners and plan strategies to improve teaching effectiveness.

If you want to find out WeSchool's new Analytics, you can read the following tutorial

In order to access this section, click on the three dots close to the name of the Space, select Dashboard from the dropdown menu and then click on Old Analytics Dashboard in the top right corner:

Screenshot 2024-04-29 145610.png

You can choose whether to display an overview of the general trend of the entire organization or the reports of one or more Groups or those of a specific user:



Under Indexes, you can view aggregate data showing all the interactions and activities carried out on WeSchool. Here are reported:

  • the total amount of Contents, i.e. how many Modules, Exercises, and Tests have been published in Groups or by a particular user. It can be useful to monitor how many educational resources an instructor has made available to learners through WeSchool
  • the Engagement Rate, which indicates the rate of participation in activities, based on how many interactions were made compared to the training hours granted. Thanks to the Engagement Rate, you can deduce how much learners and instructors are actively involved in educational activities
  • the total of Training Hours, i.e. all the hours that users have spent on the platform
  • the total number of Users who belong to the Groups associated with your organization
  • the total number of active groups associated with your organization


When you limit the search to a specific user or Group, the data relates only to the user (for example the number of Groups the user belongs to) or to the Group (for example the training hours provided within that Group).


The Old Analytics section also provides a graph representing the trend of the data over time, which allows you to view how interactions (for example Assessment executions or content viewed) are distributed over a certain period of time.

On the vertical axis, you can choose which type of interaction is displayed on the graph:

  • the number of Posts and Comments, i.e. how many interactions take place on the Wall and within the Modules
  • the number of Sessions: a session includes a series of actions carried out on the platform in a certain period of time. For example, a single session may contain multiple views of the content of a Module, an Assessment execution, and so on
  • how many Exercises’ executions have been performed 
  • how many Tests’ executions have been performed
  • how many Training Hours have been delivered 
  • how much Content has been viewed
On the horizontal axis, you can select the time frame:

  • you can display the data for a specific time interval: it is possible to choose from the dropdown menu among options (current month, last 6 months, last year, etc.), or customize the time window by clicking on the calendar icon
  • you can also choose to show the data per day, per week, or per month
Filters also apply to the Trend graph: if you limit the search to a specific user or Group, the graph will show the data related only to this specific user to this specific Group.

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