How to edit or delete a sent message

In addition to sending messages to one or more recipients, the Chat of WeSchool enables users to make changes to a message once it has been sent.

Below, you can read more in detail:

How to edit a message

If you want to edit the text of a sent message, click on the three dots ⋮ to the right of the message select Edit message. You can confirm the edit by clicking on the checkmark icon ✔ or undo it by selecting the x:

ENG how to edit a

When you edit a message and confirm it, both you and the recipient will see the label (Edited).

How to delete a message

If you want to delete the text of a sent message, click on the three dots ⋮ to the right of the message and select Delete message. In this way, a banner asking if you are sure you want to delete the message will pop up since the action is irreversible.

Click on Confirm to proceed with the deletion or select Cancel to keep the sent message:

ENG how to delete a message

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