How to dispose of the applications of a verification in random order

In this tutorial we will see how to assign a Test in which the questions are randomly arranged. This way, the whole class can carry out the same test, but each learner will view the questions in a different and random order.

Remember that this feature is only available for Tests, not for Exercises: Click here to revisit what the differences are between a Test and an Exercise carried out on WeSchool.

After giving the Test a title, adding questions and saving the Test, you can open the Test settings to randomly arrange the questions where learners will have to respond. To do so, click on the cog in the top right of the Test creation screen:


PLEASE NOTE: To access the Test questions, you must first save the Test draft by clicking on the Save button at the bottom right.

From the opening window, you can indicate whether the learners will view the questions in a random order by clicking on the switch next to the heading “Randomize the order of questions". 

If the switch is purple and has “Yes” written on it, the questions you prepared will be assigned to each learner in a random order. 

In other way, if the switch is white and has “No” written on it, the questions will be assigned to the whole class in the order in which you entered them when creating the Test. 

To change this setting, click on the switch. Remember to click Save to confirm the chosen setting:


Finally, you can make the Test public in the WeSchool Group by clicking on Publish, which you will find at the bottom right. 

A summary screen will open, from which you can check the Test settings, which includes the order of questions under the heading “Questions order”. Click Confirm to publish the Test in the Assessment section or Edit to return to the draft and make new changes:


PLEASE NOTE: After posting, you can edit the Test, questions and settings only if it has not yet been accessed by any learner in the Group.

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