How to set prerequisites for a Module

In this tutorial, you will find explained the steps for indicating the mandatory entry requirements for a Module. This way, only those who meet the requirements can access the Module, preventing learners without sufficient preparation from being able to view the content.

This function may come in handy for some activities, such as:

  • Creating step-by-step learning paths, ensuring the Modules are enjoyed in a particular order. This way you can prepare asynchronous activities without running the risk that your pupils study Napoleon before the French Revolution, or organic chemistry before having delved into carbon on the periodic table of elements!
  • Animate the lesson through gamification by creating a path between Modules, and by challenging learners to reach the concluding Module first (don't forget to put up a prize to stimulate the class even more!).
  • Develop an initial assessment that allows only those who have attained certain skills to view the Module. This may be useful if you are thinking of teaching an in-depth Module and want it to be taken only by those who have had a good basic preparation.

To carry out this and other activities, you can set it as a requirement to have completed one or more of the Closed Group Modules (if you don’t remember the difference between a Closed Module and an Open Module, you can click here for a quick review).

PLEASE NOTE: A Module is completed when a learner has viewed each element and passed all the Assessments within it.

Conversely, you cannot set the following requirements to access a Module:

  • An Open Module
  • A Module in drafts
  • A Test or Exercise directly from the Assessment section

PLEASE NOTE: remember that you can always include Tests and Exercises within a Module. In that case, in order to consider the Module completed, the students have to pass them with a vote equal to or greater than a 6, i.e., with a score the same equal to or greater than 60%. Click here to read how WeSchool Assessment scores work.

To state requirements for viewing the Module, you can follow these steps:

  • Open the Modules section and click on the three dots in the top right inside the box dedicated to the Module. A sidebar on the right will open, from which you can personalize the Module:


Alternatively, you can also open this sidebar from within the Module by clicking the three dots in the top right:


  • From the sidebar click Add Requirements and from the dropdown menu indicate what the requirements are to access the Module. You can also choose more than one Module (provided it is not open!):


  • You can add new requirements or remove access requirements to the Module at any time. To remove requirements, click the X to the right of the Module title:


From the Module preview, you can see immediately if the Module has one or more requirements from the third icon on the right; the counter indicates how many Modules are necessary for learners to view the Module:


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