To access the Group Customize section, click on the three dots ⋯ to the right of the Group name and select Customize from the drop-down menu:
From here, you can
- make the Group accessible to other users without an invitation, or keep it accessible by invitation only
- show or hide the Group Sections
- enable or disable certain specific Group Features
You can choose whether to set the Group as self-joinable:
- ✅ if this option is enabled, all members of the Space will be able to join the Group without needing an invitation from an Instructor
- ❌ if this option is disabled, users will be able to join the Group only through an invitation sent by the Instructor; this is the default setting for the Group
This feature is only available for Pro and Enterprise Plans, claimed K12 school Spaces, and Spaces in Trial.
If you make a previously invite-only Group open, all Space members will be able to access the Group’s content.
If you disable the self-joinable Group option in a Group that previously had this option enabled, from that point on, the Group’s content will only be accessible to Group members.
You can show or hide the following Group Sections:
Wall, the Group’s virtual bulletin board:
- ✅ If this option is enabled, the section will be visible
- ❌ If this option is disabled, the section will not be visible
Modules, the area where you can design effective learning paths and upload educational materials for Learners:
- ✅ If this option is enabled, the section will be visible
- ❌ If this option is disabled, the section will not be visible
Assessments, the area where you can test Learners’ preparation using innovative teaching tools such as Exercises and Tests:
- ✅ If this option is enabled, the section will be visible
- ❌ If this option is disabled, the section will not be visible
Board the Group’s shared writing space for real-time collaboration with Learners:
- ✅ If this option is enabled, the section will be visible
- ❌ If this option is disabled, the section will not be visible
Record, the tool for monitoring Learners’ progress in real-time:
- ✅ If this option is enabled, the section will be visible
- ❌ If this option is disabled, the section will not be visible
Calendar, the place to schedule Lives, Activities, and Deadlines for Learners and have a complete overview of past, present, and future Events within the Group:
- ✅ If this option is enabled, the section will be visible
- ❌ If this option is disabled, the section will not be visible
If you decide to show or hide the Group Sections, the changes will be applied at the Group level for all Learners and Instructors involved. Additionally, please note that the operation is retroactive and does not result in any data loss.
By showing or hiding Group Sections, you will be able to customize the learning experience based on your educational needs or learning objectives. For example, you can hide the Wall section to encourage Learners to focus more on the course materials rather than on interactions with other users.
Wall, the Group’s virtual bulletin board:
You can decide whether to enable or disable:
Group members, that is, the list of Group participants, including Learners and Instructors:
- ✅ If this option is enabled, you will be able to view and manage the Group’s Learners and Instructors
- ❌ If this option is disabled, the list of Group participants will not be visible
Learners' comments, that is, the ability for Learners to publish or comment on Posts on the Wall and interact with Instructors within Modules’ content:
- ✅ If this option is enabled, each Learner of the Group will be able to publish or comment on Posts on the Wall and interact with Instructors within the Modules’ content
- ❌ If this option is disabled, no Learner of the Group will be able to publish or comment on Posts on the Wall and interact with Instructors within the Modules’ content
Content suggestions, that is, the ability for Learners to suggest content within Modules and upload content within open Modules:
- ✅ If this option is enabled, each Learner will be able to suggest content within Modules and upload content within open Modules
- ❌ If this option is disabled, no Learner will be able to suggest content within Lessons or upload content within open Modules
Instructors can still upload new content within Modules where suggestions have been disabled.
Direct Messages, that is, the ability to use the Chat to send private messages to other Space members:
- ✅ If this option is enabled, each user will be able to send or receive messages from other Space members
- ❌ If this option is disabled, no user will be able to send or receive messages from other Space members
If you are the Admin of the Space, click on Manage next to Direct Messages to access the Space settings and enable or disable the Chat:
Since the Chat is a Space-level setting, which can only be edited by the Admin or authorized members, if you want to enable Direct Messages between Group or Space members, reach out to the Space Admin.
Group members, that is, the list of Group participants, including Learners and Instructors: