The Instructors can edit, copy, and delete existing Live sessions, Activities, and Deadlines from the Calendar.
Who can use this feature?
👤 Group teachers
📝 Available for all Plans
Here you can read:
How to edit an Event
To start editing select the existing Event on the Calendar and click on the pencil icon:
When you’re done editing the event details, click on Save changes.
If you change the date or time, all the users invited to the event will be notified via email.
Activate the daily recap or the weekly summary from the Notification Settings to receive emails about the Calendar Events. Read how to customize email notifications.
You can’t edit the videoconferencing service in an existing Live session.
How to copy an Event
To duplicate Events without having to create them from scratch, select the existing Event on the Calendar and click on the copy button:
While duplicating an event, you can also change the details. Click on Save changes to create the copy.
An email notification will inform you and the users you invited to the Live session, Activity, or Deadline that the Event was successfully copied.
Activate the daily recap or the weekly summary from the Notification Settings to receive emails about the Calendar Events. Read how to customize email notifications.
How to delete an Event
To delete an Event select the existing Event on the Calendar and click on the trash icon:
The Event will be deleted and you will receive an email that confirms its elimination. The users invited to the Event will be notified as well.
Activate the daily recap or the weekly summary from the Notification Settings to receive emails about the Calendar Events. Read how to customize email notifications.