Through WeSchool Space Admins can issue certifications in the form of Open Badges. You can emit an unlimited number of Open Badges to users of your Space with no extra costs.
What is an Open Badge?
It is a digital certificate that certifies a specific skill or competency. It is issued after completing a course and contains information such as who issued it and the date it was obtained. Open Badges can be viewed and shared online, and their authenticity is easily verifiable.
To be able to issue an Open Badge, you must first have created a Badge.
You can follow these steps to issue an Open Badge:
From the Badge section of the Dashboard, click on the ⋯ button next to the Badge you want to issue and select Emit from the dropdown menu:
The list of users to whom you can issue the Badge will open on the right side of the screen. In the box dedicated to each user, you can read:
- the name of the user
- if the user has already received this Open Badge or NFT
- if the user has the Web 3 Wallet connected to the WeSchool account (for issuing an NFT)
Click the checkbox to select the user.
There is no limit to the number of Open Badges you can award, but you can select up to 50 users at a time:To quickly find users, use the search bar at the top or filter the list by Groups, by selecting Groups from the dropdown menu.
At the bottom of the screen, you’ll see the total number of users to be awarded the Open Badge.
Select Emit the Badge to issue the certifications: -
Issuing may take a few seconds, after which you will see the list of users who have received the Open Badge:
Once issued, it is not possible to revoke or cancel the Open Badge.
When users are awarded an Open Badge, they will receive a notification via email and on the platform. The Badge will also be visible on their WeSchool profile. Read more about how managing your certifications.
An Admin of a Space can keep track of the users and the Badges they have received from the Badges section of the Dashboard.
Click on the number of Users to see the list of users to whom you have assigned the Open Badge.
You can hover over the Badge icon to:
- view the Open Badge assigned to a specific user online. Here you can read all the information contained in the Badge (e.g. descriptions, criteria, the issuing date, and - if set - the expiration date)
- download the Badge in PDF format