How to monitor new Analytics

WeSchool Analytics is a management tool that tracks learning activities across all Groups inside a Space.

Through Analytics, Admins and Staff members can monitor course progress, measure Learners' performance, and track training hours directly from the Dashboard.

Only companies that subscribed to a Pro or Enterprise Plan, and public K12 schools that claimed their Space, can access the Dashboard. If you have a Lite Plan, you can upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise Plan from the Plan Settings.

To access the Analytics, you have several options:

  • You can click on Dashboard above the My Groups

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  • You can click on the three dots ⋯ to the right of the Space name and select Dashboard from the dropdown menu: 

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In both cases, from the Analytics section, you will be able to: 

If you are an Admin who already had access to the previous Analytics, you can still view them by clicking on Old Analytics Dashboard in the top right corner:

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Objectives are a combined metric that shows Learners' progress and course performance within the Space. This percentage represents the average between the following parameters:

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For example, if Course Progress is 66.9% and Assessment scores are 77%, then Objectives will be 71,8%.

Scores above 66% indicate high learning performance; between 33% and 66% indicate average learning performance, and below 33% indicate low learning performance.

Through Objectives, you will be able to: 

  • monitor Learners' training in real-time to get a complete overview of overall course progress and Learners’ engagement, based on the percentage of viewed content and assessments completed
  • assess whether learning experience aligns with the educational goals and objectives you have set

Course progress

Course Progress is a metric that shows the percentage of content viewed by Learners within mandatory Modules of the Space.

This metric is calculated by determining the weighted average of Learners and content viewed in the individual Groups, then dividing this value by the total number of Learners within the Space.  

Graphically, Course Progress consists of:

  • a horizontal axis showing the percentage of Learners who viewed the content
  • a vertical axis listing the active Groups of the Space

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 For example, in the Onboarding Group, 2 out of 5 Learners (40%) viewed all content.

The darker the color in the graph, the higher the percentage of content viewed by Learners.

Hovering over the Groups on the vertical axis, you will be able to select various buttons including:

  • Progress by module: it redirects you to the Modules’ Record section where you can view the percentage of completed Modules within each Group
  • Learning content: it redirects you to the Modules’ section of the selected Group, allowing you to check the Modules created by Instructors, as well as single pieces of content within them

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Assessment Scores

Assessment Scores are a metric that shows the average score of Exercises and Tests taken by Learners within the Space.

This metric is calculated by determining the weighted average of Assessments (including both Exercises and Tests) and their scores, then dividing this value by the total number of Assessments within the Space.

Unlike Tests, for Exercises, only the highest mark scored by Learners among all attempts is taken into account.   

Graphically, Assessment Scores consist of:

  • a horizontal axis showing scores from 0 to 10 that Learners can achieve
  • a vertical axis showing the percentage of Assessments that fall into that grade range

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For example, 20 out of 57 Assessments (35,1%) scored 10.

By clicking on + See scores by group, you can select the single Group and by clicking See scores, you will access the Exercises and Tests' Record section where you can view Assessment Scores for each Learner:

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Time on Platform

Time on Platform is a metric that shows the average time active users have spent in the Space.

This metric is calculated by determining the average hours spent in the Space, excluding time spent by Learners in Chat, Profile Settings, and Lives.

Graphically, Time on Platform consists of:

  • a horizontal axis showing the progression of days for the selected time frame
  • a vertical axis showing the number of hours active users have spent on the platform

Time on Platform Last 7 days

For example, in the last 7 days, the average time spent on platform by 30 active users was 0.3 hours, with peaks of 0.5 hours on certain days.

Through Time Spent on Platform, you will be able to:

  • assess the effectiveness of your strategies: consistent time spent on platform over time indicates that you are managing learning activities correctly

Time Spent Learning

Time Spent Learning is a metric that shows the percentage of time Learners have spent on learning activities.

This metric is calculated by dividing the average time Learners spent within Modules, Assessments (both Exercises and Tests), and the Board by the Time on Platform

Graphically, Time Spent Learning consists of:

  • a horizontal axis showing the progression of days for the selected time frame
  • a vertical axis showing the percentage of time Learners have spent on learning activities

Time Spent Learning Last 7 days

For example, in the last 7 days, the average time spent learning was 84,7%, with peaks of 95,7% on certain days.

Through Time Spent Learning, you will be able to:

  • assess Learners’ engagement: if this metric increases, Learners are more involved in learning activities
  • assess the effectiveness of educational resources: if time spent learning increases after introducing new resources or teaching methods, it means that these materials are useful for Learners 

Number of sessions

Number of Sessions is a metric that shows the variation of sessions over time.

A session refers to the time frame in which a Learner accesses the platform, actively participates in classes, and completes specific tasks related to the Space courses

This metric is calculated by determining the sum of single sessions for each active user within the Space.

Graphically, the Number of Sessions consists of:

  • a horizontal axis showing the progression of days for the selected time frame
  • a vertical axis showing the number of sessions

Number of Sessions Last 7 days

For example, in the last 7 days, 36 sessions were recorded; 16 more than the previous week.

Number of sessions is usually greater than the number of active users since each Learner can record multiple sessions per day, accessing from various devices as well. 

Through Number of Sessions, you will be able to:

  • measure the effectiveness of teaching: if the Number of sessions increases, it means your strategies are engaging Learners. If it decreases, you may need to review these strategies
  • customize learning: knowing the number of daily sessions can help you better organize future learning activities, scheduling them on days with higher access rates

How to use Analytics filters 

Using Analytics filters is essential to achieve results that match your needs. From this section, you can filter the results to be displayed, based on the Groups of your Space or the time period.

Data tracked by Analytics is updated every 24 hours.

Filtering by Groups

You can filter by all Groups or only some of them by clicking on the dropdown menu to the right of Filter by, using the search bar, as well:

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To clear the filters you set, simply click on the trash icon.

Filtering by time period 

You can choose the time period through which you want to view the results by clicking on the dropdown menu to the right of Filter by. From here:

  • select one of the preset time frame:

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  • click on the calendar icon and select the start and end dates to customize the time frame:

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It is not possible to set filters for time periods longer than three years.

When you set a time frame, the values on the horizontal axis reorganize automatically, allowing you to better view the data without losing any information.

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