How to change your email address

Each user on WeSchool has an account linked to the email address provided during registration. Through the Account Settings, it is possible to change the email address associated with your account.

To do so, click on your profile picture in the top right corner and select Manage account from the dropdown menu:

Immagine 2024-08-30 144110.png

Next, click on Edit next to your email address:

Immagine 2024-09-09 142345.png

If you signed up for WeSchool using Google, Apple, Microsoft, or your university account, you will not be able to change your email as the account is linked to the email address used during registration.

From here:

  • enter the new email address in the New email address box, making sure not to enter one already registered on WeSchool
  • enter your account password in the Confirm Password box

Immagine 2024-09-09 135957.png

The New email address must not already be registered on WeSchool.

After that, you will receive an email to confirm your new email address (if you don't find it, check your email's Spam folder). Click on Confirm or copy and paste the link into your device's browser to confirm the new email associated with your WeSchool account: 

Immagine 2024-09-09 140334.png

If you haven't confirmed your new email address yet, remember that you can:

  • request a new confirmation email, if you haven't received it, by clicking on You have not received the email yet? Send again
  • keep the current email address by clicking on Undo change; this will cancel the request and restore the previously indicated email address

Immagine 2024-09-09 140146.png

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