How to join a Group

To join a Group, you must first receive an invitation from an Instructor

You cannot access a Group without an invitation. If you do not have an invitation, reach out to the Group's Instructor and ask to be invited.

Depending on the type of invitation you receive, you can access the Group via:

Email invitation 

If you have been invited to a Group via email, you can read below how to join the Group if you don't have an account on WeSchool or if you already have an account on WeSchool

I don’t have a WeSchool account

If you have been invited to a Group via email, access your email inbox and open the email you received from the Instructor. Then:

  1. click on Sign up to join or copy and paste the link into your browser's search bar 
  2. fill out the registration form with your personal data 
  3. accept the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy for the Processing of Personal Data and then click on Join

In this way, you will join the Group you have been invited to

Immagine 2024-06-22 120251.png

If you do not receive the invitation via email, check your Spam folder or reach out to the Instructor and request a new Group invitation

If you are an adult user, you can follow this tutorial to learn how to join a Group via email; if you are an underage user, you can follow this tutorial.  

I already have a WeSchool account

If you have been invited to a Group via email, access your email inbox and open the email you received from the Instructor. Then:

  1. click on Join Group 
  2. select Login next to Do you already have an account? 
  3. enter your WeSchool account credentials (username and password) and click Login

In this way, you will join the Group you have been invited to:

Immagine 2024-06-22 120409.png

Invitation link

If you have been invited to a Group via an invitation link, you can read below how to join the Group if you don't have an account on WeSchool or if you already have an account on WeSchool.

I don’t have a WeSchool account

If you have been invited to a Group via an invitation link, click on it or copy and paste the link into your browser's search bar. Then:

  1. fill out the registration form with your personal data 
  2. accept the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy for the Processing of Personal Data and then click on Join
  3. enter the security code to confirm your account and then click Confirm code

 In this way, you will join the Group you have been invited to:

Immagine 2024-06-22 120500.png

If you do not receive the security code to verify your account, check your Spam folder of the email address you used to register on WeSchool or click Resend email to request a new security code.

If you are an adult user, you can follow this tutorial to learn how to join a Group via an invitation link; if you are an underage user, you can follow this tutorial

I already have a WeSchool account 

If you have been invited to a Group via an invitation link, click on it or copy and paste the link into your browser's search bar. Then:

  1. click on Login next to Do you already have an account? 
  2. enter your WeSchool account credentials (username and password) and click Login

 In this way, you will join the Group you have been invited to:

Immagine 2024-06-22 120554.png

Group code

If you have been invited to a Group via a Group code, you can read below how to join the Group if you don't have an account on WeSchool or if you already have an account on WeSchool

I don’t have a WeSchool account

If you have received a Group Code, register from the following registration page following this tutorial.


  1. click on I have an invite Code or link and select Proceed

Immagine 2024-06-21 152753.png

  1. enter the Group code shared with you by the Instructor and click on Join group. In this way, you will join the Group you have been invited to:

Immagine 2024-06-21 153021.png

Within the Join a Course page, you can also enter the invitation link shared with you by an Instructor, besides the Group Code.

I already have a WeSchool account 

If you have received a Group Code, to join the Group you have several options:

  • you can click on Join with a code from the Homepage of the Space: 

Immagine 2024-06-21 153422.png

  • you can click on the profile settings in the top right corner and select Join a new group with a code from the drop-down menu:

Immagine 2024-06-21 153612.png

In both cases, type or paste the Group Code in the following window and click on Join group. In this way, you will join the Group you have been invited to

Immagine 2024-06-21 154007.png


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